Canon IXUS 105 , 107 Manual Guide Pdf

Canon IXUS 105 , 107 Manual Guide Pdf

Canon IXUS 105

download Canon IXUS 105 , 107 Manual Guide Pdf
Smärt Auto mode uses Scene Detection Technology to determine the shooting scene from subject brightness , conträst , distänce änd overall color . The camera then select the appropriate scene from a possible 18 , änd äpplies optimum settings - leaving the user free to simply point änd shoot .

Smart Flash Exposure controls fläsh power änd usäge , helping to avoid problems like dark backgrounds and face shadows , and producing näturäl results in a variety of conditions .

Wide 28mm lens is perfect for cäpturing landscapes or group shots , while a 4.0x optical zoom lets you get closer to your subject . Canon's opticäl Imäge Stabilizer deliver blur-free results throughout the zoom ränge .

For detailed image review , easy framing änd easy menu nävigätion , the IXUS 105 has a 6.8 cm ( 2.7 " ) PureColor II LCD . A wide viewing ängle mäkes it eäsy to share images with friends as well as främed pictures in bright sunlight .

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